MDIM Journal of Management Review and Practice
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B. Franklin Edburg1, K. Umadevi2, M. Vidya3
and P. M. Ramesh Kumar1

First Published 23 Feb 2024.
Article Information Volume 2, Issue 1 March 2024
Corresponding Author:

B. Franklin Edburg, Department of Corporate Secretaryship (Shift-II), Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College (Autonomous), Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600106, India.

Department of Corporate Secretaryship (Shift-II), Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College (Autonomous), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
PG and Research Department of Commerce, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

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The objective of this investigation is to analyze the intention behind user behavior toward employing Unified Payment Interface (UPI) apps and pinpointing successful solutions for mitigating frauds linked to them. This will increase safety measures, which would lead to an escalation in usage among consumers, ultimately resulting in higher financial inclusion across India through cashless transactions. The Indian digital payment system has been transformed by these platforms, including Google Pay, PhonePe, and Paytm, which together account for over 90% of all online payments made. Users are attracted primarily due to its convenience as well as ease-of-use factors along with influence from their peers who have turned into avid users themselves. Largely, due to COVID-19 lockdown disruptions many people shifted away from traditional monetary exchanges toward Internet Banking options leading to a surge-related crime involving transactional fraudulent practices costing up to 346%. The popularity itself throughout time due again mainly because it’s easy access capabilities UPI payment app development on fraudulent activities continued. A structured questionnaire was adopted during the collection phase within Chennai City among active UPI payment apps users whose data were analyzed using multivariate statistical techniques. The result proves that predictors such as perceived security, safety, risk consistent advantageous represents key inferences, supplying impetus towards utilizing technology and providing cautionary advice where deficiencies subsist. Info dissemination, emphasizing feature/benefit analysis targeting core customer groups, delivered periodically supplemented defensive protocols, incorporating trial process adaptations can mitigate further risk associated with application utilization. Reader response, demonstrating accommodative response based on familiarity, empowering generational social structure, and enabling transformation gained momentum, demonstrates structural readjustment and solidifies the benefits borne out by increased adaption ratified effective outcomes accruing overall benefits, favourably impacting a variety of demographic profiles, and guaranteeing continued use.


Digital payment, behavior intention to usage, UPI application, frauds, perceived ease of use


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