MDIM Journal of Management Review and Practice
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Amitkumar L. Shah1 and Hitesh Parmar2

First Published 1 May 2024.
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Corresponding Author:

Amitkumar L. Sha, Assistant professor, J.D. Gabani Commerce College & Shree Swami Atmanand Saraswati College of management, Surat - 395006, Gujarat, India.

1J.D. Gabani Commerce College & Shree Swami Atmanand Saraswati College of management, Surat, Gujarat, India

2Department of Business Management, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India

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Green supply systems are helping several of the world's largest retailers boost profits. Green practices make firms more ecologically friendly. No research has considered all of the green supply chain management (GSCM) methods needed to develop a green supply chain in India's retail business. This investigation seeks to examine GSCM techniques and their effects on Indian organized retail. The ORGSCALE helps define GSCM in organized retail. The study generated items through literature reading and focus group talks. A total of 554 responses out of 1,800 survey responses were usable. The study indicated that GSCM methods affect organizational performance and environmental, economic and profitability. In Indian organized retail businesses, there is a lack of research on a reliable and valid scale to measure the performance impact of GSCM strategies. This study provides a measure to assess how GSCM practices affect Indian organized retail performance.


Organized retail, green supply chain management, scale development


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